Stan Grossfeld of The Boston Globe won first place in the Associated Press Sports Editors’ 2018 contest in feature photo for the A Division.

Grossfeld will be presented a first-place plaque at the 2019 APSE Summer Conference Banquet at the Omni CNN Center in Atlanta on June 19.

Grossfeld edged runner-up Matthew J. Lee from The Boston Globe. Aaron Ontiveroz from The Denver Post placed third.

Sports editors in the A Division submitted 50 feature photo entries. The contest is open to APSE members. Click here to join.

Contest chair Todd M. Adams and fellow APSE officers John Bednarowski, Lisa Wilson and Dan Spears prepared entries. In February, preliminary judges at the APSE Winter Conference in Orlando, Fla., and off-site around the country, selected a top 10, with each judge ranking the entries in order from 1 to 10 separately on a secret ballot. Entries were given 10 points for a first-place vote, nine points for second and so on down to one point for a 10th-place vote. The final 10 were given to a second judging group, which ranked the entries 1-10 in the same fashion.

The winner and final rankings are determined by tallying the ballots.

The winner in each category will receive a plaque at the summer conference. The second- through 10th-place writers will receive frameable certificates.

The feature photo judges examined each entry for photo quality. The top 10 is listed below with links to the winning entries:

1. Stan Grossfeld, The Boston Globe, 36 points,  3 first-place votes
2. Matthew J. Lee, The Boston Globe, 31 points
3. Aaron Ontiveroz, The Denver Post, 30 points
4. Doug Mills, The New York Times, 27 points
5. Matt Freed, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, 26 points
6. Brian Cassella, The Chicago Tribune, 22 points
7. Rob Schumacher, The Arizona Republic, 20 points, 1 first-place vote
8. Elizabeth Conley, Houston Chronicle (first photo of slides), 16 points
9. Katherine Frey, The Washington Post, 8 points
10. Jonathan Newton, The Washington Post, 4 points