Meeting held Wednessday, June 24
Sheraton Station Square Hotel, Pittsburgh

Call to order: Lynn Hoppes

NASCAR: Sponsorship of events.

Salt Lake City: Room pickup. May have to lose space to reduce rooms.

Associate members: How will they still be members and how?

Numbers: 60 registered, 112 last year. Lowered room rate and lowered pickup.

Futures: Joe Sullivan on Web site judging: we need to do it. Category changes for circulation? As for convention, keep it. Still do judging. As for commissioner’s meeting, should it take place every 2 or 3 years? Would like to use Indianapolis with new arrangement with Indiana University for judging and possible summer meetings in Indianapolis.

Contest: Garry Howard is strong in support of continuing judging. We will be saving money with Indiana University’s facilities. Again check on circulation categories and Web site contest.

Salt Lake City: Michael Anastasi reports that as of Monday, convention is 100 percent planned. Video available to promote Salt Lake City to membership.

Sponsors: As mentioned earlier with NASCAR, should we have sponsors from groups we cover? Need to come up with a resolution.

APSE Hall of Fame: Past presidents and Red Smith Award winners will be showcased. Help from Indiana U. and other possible sponsors. Gives us a living legacy. Possible reunion of former presidents at Indiana.

Motion to close: Jerry Micco, first; Joe Sullivan, second.